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Inside Final Fantasy VII Remake premieres episode 3, focused on combat

Inside Final Fantasy VII Remake premieres episode 3, focused on combat

The creators of the game are meeting to discuss the creative process for the highly anticipated Square Enix RPG, which will launch on April 10.

Inside Final Fantasy VII Remake has already touched the story and the characters, but now it's the turn of your combat system, which this time is not, worth the redundancy, it is not turn-based. Those responsible for the game (the preload is now available) reflect on the changes and adaptation of the classic to the new version, which renews graphics and gameplay, as well as the plot of the adventure, expanded to accommodate the model of several installments that have a profile .

A renewal of the classic

"For starters, the combat system has been completely revamped," explains Yoshinori Kitase, director of the classic and producer of the reimagined version. "I think it is a very satisfactory system to sink your teeth into." Tetsuya Nomura, co-director of this installment, recalls the original system and acknowledges that for new audiences, action is the predominant genre. Therefore, they decided to follow that path in the development of the remake. However, he was aware that some aspects had to be preserved, such as life bars and numerical indicators. According to his words, "they are the essence of Final Fantasy".

The combat system is not a complete break from the classic, as the company has defined it as an evolution of the ATB system. All the details are narrated in the documentary, which you can enjoy with Spanish subtitles just below these lines.

Final Fantasy VII Remake will be released on April 10 on PlayStation 4, which has a one-year temporary exclusive. Square Enix has released several releases referring to the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19). The Japanese originally explained that they could not guarantee the timely arrival of the physical copies. Even so, through an update on social networks, they revealed that they had taken measures. The idea is to ship the game ahead of time, so copies will arrive in advance in some cases. Anyway, they ask players for understanding and ask that the content not be destroyed prematurely.

Source | Square Enix (YouTube)

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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