
Fallout 76: some NPCs steal your weapons when you die from a bug

Fallout 76: some NPCs steal your weapons when you die from a bug

Bethesda's game has been renewed with a new free expansion, Wastelanders, which finally adds the long-awaited narrative layer that many fans requested.

New settlers have arrived in the Appalachia region. Wastelanders, the great expansion of Fallout 76, incorporates the NPCs, something that has caused some players to be forced to leave their camps. It is known, newcomers have to find their place in the area. However, not all of them have good intentions, something that has been discovered by those who have been hidden.

According to PC Gamer, users have raised their voices to report that during certain missions, the NPCs have stolen from them and have kept their weapons. The scenario is as follows: in the heat of the battle, our protagonist is shot down by an unfortunate bullet or a well-planted grenade. So, neither short nor lazy, the machine-driven character feels the body of the deceased and takes control of the weapons and bullets when the corpse is still hot (figuratively, that is not seen on screen). Upon reappearing, the player discovers that he has lost his favorite weapon and is now carrying the NPC in his hands. Bethesda has announced that it is investigating the bug.

Marion Copeland is one of the thieves

Despite the realism of the situation, it's normal for players who have spent hours and hours getting a legendary weapon not to be overjoyed that an uncontrollable character gets to keep their most powerful weapons. Because no, they don't return them. In the video that we present on these lines, Dani GarcĂ­a lives that same process (minute 1:00). Then, in the 2:25 minute, he realizes that Marion Copeland, an ally NPC, has his plasma pistol.

Fallout 76 is available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia. Following a bumpy launch, from which it has never fully recovered, Bethesda has continued to support the product. He also did not like that Fallout First, the video game subscription service, open private servers exclusively to those who pay the monthly fee. All in all, Wastelanders is the company's response to user demands.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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