
Sucker Punch leaves new details about Ghost of Tsushima: duration, side missions …

Sucker Punch leaves new details about Ghost of Tsushima: duration, side missions ...

Sucker Punch members answer community questions about Ghost of Tsushima, about its duration, weapons, abilities, history …

Ghost of Tsushima is presented as the culmination of a great generation for PS4, both in terms of sales and exclusive releases, and incidentally, a great opportunity for Sucker Punch, once out of the comfort zone of the inFamous license. Last week it was presented again in a big way in a new State of Play, the most viewed so far, but there were still a few doubts to be solved, on which the study has shed some light in a post from the official blog of PlayStation.

One of those questions is about the arsenal. During all the trailers and gameplays seen, Jin always carries a katana, which obviously will be his main weapon, but … will it be the only one ?. "The Jin katana is a family heirloom and will be with him from start to finish," says Jason Connell, a member of Sucker Punch. As a deadly samurai, this is your primary weapon against invaders. The Sakai edge is something that will grow with Jin throughout his journey. As he does so until he becomes that dreaded samurai known as Ghost, so will his skills and tactics. Learn how to use a bow to eliminate enemies at a distance, launch kunais or smoke bombs at closer distances… We will not talk about these abilities before launch, we want it to be something that players discover ”.

Ghost of Tsushima

Asked about the duration, something they have already talked about on occasion, they assured that “it is always impossible to answer this regarding an open world game. If you're that kind of gamer who occasionally gets distracted by something in the distance, for example, you're going to find a world to lose yourself in and spend dozens of hours. Some of our testers played for a week and did not finish the main story. We know that everyone wants a number, but we can say that if you are looking for a great story in a rich world with a lot to see and do, and many characters to meet, you will find what you are looking for in Ghost of Tsushima ”, concludes Nate. Fox.

It is also confirmed that it will be a game very focused on history, and that despite having some freedom to carry out side missions and other activities that will give us good rewards, there will be no karma system as its previous work has had, inFamous: Second Son and its predecessors. In the same way, there will be no different endings either.

The wind, an organic guide tool

To end the conversation, they also talked about one of the characteristics that have caught the most attention, such as the wind as a guide to our next objective. "One of the first objectives of the Artistic Direction was to incorporate wind and feeling of movement in everything possible," says Connell. “After a few years in the production phase, the game started to paint amazing and we wanted to create a way to keep people in their world. Once those art goals were achieved, we decided to see if I could actually guide you to a new location. ”

Ghost of Tsushima will arrive on July 17 on PlayStation 4.

Source: PlayStation Blog

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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