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Demon’s Souls Remake is not ray traced due to lack of resources

Demon’s Souls Remake is not ray traced due to lack of resources

In an interview with Digital Foundry they explain the reasons for the absence of this technology, the lack of personnel.

Demon’s Souls Remake is already among us, officially since November 12 although we cannot play it until the consoles arrive in Spain, next Thursday the 19th. But without a doubt, it is the game that is attracting the most attention due to its impressive visual section and for the great marks received internationally. One of the doubts that existed was whether the game made use of ray tracing, one of the new techniques with which the new generation has been promoted. And Bluepoint Games, in charge of the development of the remake, explained that no. Now the reasons are known in an interview with Digital Foundry.

The North American study has explained that there is no problem with the capabilities of the console to offer this technology in a game that looks like Demon’s Souls, but that there has been a lack of resources to implement it. Basically, ray tracing is not in the remake because it was an investment of time that would have affected other changes and added features, and that what has been lacking is personal to be able to carry out this technology.

In fact, in the interview they add that the power of the machine is still far from being squeezed and that they do not rule out adding ray tracing in an update in the future. The title looks especially good in both modes, although Digital Foundry has already pointed out that considering how the version performed at 60 frames per second, that was the one that was worth the most. On the one hand we have the option to play at 4K and 30fps and on the other, at 1440p rescaled and 60 frames per second.

First 20 minutes

At Meristation we are already analyzing the remake of Demon’s Souls, and we can tell you that the game is an audiovisual show as you can see in this video capturing the first 20 minutes. On November 19, with the release of the console in the rest of the world (it is already available in some areas) you can enjoy it. In fact, the game is already being sold in our country.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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