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Minit, the celebrated 60-second adventure, presents its charity racing game

Minit, the celebrated 60-second adventure, presents its charity racing game

Devolver Digital presents a curious driving game based on the successful Minit; all proceeds will go to charitable causes.

Devolver Digital and the group of developers Lots of’Em, creators of the celebrated Minit, have presented Minit Fun Racer, a curious charity racing indie based on the original title that is already on sale on Steam at various prices. And it is that all the benefits obtained in Steam from this new game will go to charitable causes “forever”, as detailed by its creators.

Minit Fun Racer now on sale from 2.39 euros

Thus, Minit fans cannot miss this new proposal as curious as it is ephemeral; And it is that following the spirit of the original title, Minit Fun Racer maintains the same aesthetic through short races where skill and reflexes are essential. The title is already on sale on Steam with the following prices: 2.39 euros, 8.19 euros and 16.79 euros; And as we say, all the profits obtained from their sales on the Valve platform will go to charity through different initiatives.

According to those responsible, “the three different prices include the same content. We have given various prices for those who want to give more money to charity. Minit Fun Racer proposes us to drive a small moped through streets full of traffic, obstacles and traps, all while collecting precious coins while avoiding dangers and jumping between ramps. Coins allow us to buy time and acquire certain advantages such as a helmet that protects us from a blow; If we collide, we lose and start over.

Don’t miss our Reviews of Minit, “a game in the style of the classic Zelda, where we collect objects, learn the world and find shortcuts, where we inevitably die every sixty seconds. The concept, despite seeming repetitive, is done in a very intelligent way, with every little step of progress being satisfactory in a humorous, absurd and expressive world despite simple pixel art and the use of black and white.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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