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Sony: PS5 doesn’t have 1440p resolution because TVs are the priority

Sony: PS5 doesn't have 1440p resolution because TVs are the priority

Despite stating this, he also ensures that it can be added in the future if enough is asked.

One of Sony’s decisions with PS5 is that the console will not support 1440p resolution, a standard that is usually seen on monitors that do not offer 4K due to their size and that are used in the PC game. Unlike Xbox Series, which has this native resolution -in fact it will be the maximum offered in Series S, in the new Sony console it has been ruled out, according to Hideaki Nishino, because for them “the highest priority” is support for televisions. Despite the forcefulness of the phrase, and that in principle it is not a complicated support to offer, they do not rule out adding it in the future if there is a significant demand in this regard.

Nishino has also talked about other issues regarding the new PS5, such as the compatibility of the PS VR with the new console. He believes that the platform will “improve the experience” of the game, and adds that “we can expect that PS5 will have a VR experience appropriate to the platform. I can’t say anything else, but I’m looking forward to it. ” At the moment it is known that there will be no new VR in 2021, but it does not seem unreasonable that more powerful glasses will arrive in the future. For the current ones, Sony is offering adapters to be able to connect them to the new consoles.

Sony: PS5 doesn't have 1440p resolution because TVs are the priority
Hideaki nishino

Lack of browser on PS5

The new Sony console will not have its own browser at the moment and it is not something that is planned: “at the moment we have no intention of including it.” The leader believes that “we have doubts that a web browser is really necessary for a console as if it were an app, so we will wait to see.”

Precisely today it has also been confirmed that Sony will maintain the idea of ​​offering two new games every month on PS4 despite the arrival of the new console, something that was established long ago. On the other hand, the frequency of renewal of PS5 games is still up in the air, and it has not been clear if it will be monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly. It is assumed that over time it will be regularized.

Source | Av Watch

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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