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Sony: there will be more PS5 stock before the end of the year

donde comprar ps5 cuando habrá stock

The company indicates, without specific data, that the launch of the new console is the best ever among its Playstations.

Sony has wanted to update with its fans two key points of its launch of PS5 now already around the world. The company, through a tweet, has indicated that they know that the demand for the console has been never seen before and that therefore they have more consoles on the way. When? Well, it seems that soon: “The demand for PS5 is unprecedented, so we want to confirm that there will be more PS5 available in stores before the end of the year.” In the same tweet, they add that we are attentive to local businesses for further information on the matter.

In addition, Sony has also released another powerful message about PS5 and its premiere: “We want to thank all gamers for making PS5 our biggest console launch ever.” The message does not arrive accompanied by data of any kind, but we can understand if we look at the PS4 data where the shots go of what it can mean during these first days of the console on sale.

At the time Sony announced in 2013 that on the first day of PS4 on the street they sold a million consoles in just 24 hours. Words focused only on the American release, which was on November 15, so the numbers would have been higher to go out in Europe at the same time (it did on 29) and in Japan, where it did not arrive until February 2014. In all In this case, on December 3 of that year, just 5 days after the European release of the console, Sony has already quantified 2.1 million units placed. Note that Andrew House, CEO of the company, said at the time that it was the best launch of a Playstation in history. So we can know where the shots go with PS5 … And that with the stock problems that have been.

Console sold out in Spain

Right now it is impossible to find a console to buy in Spain. The large chains made a second wave of reservations on the platform’s launch day, on November 19, but they were sold out in a few minutes. The platform will arrive in several days. Sony has not specified if there will be more units for the whole world or only in some regions, but if it is going to be before the end of the year, we should have news shortly, since we are a month away from Christmas.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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