
Star Wars Underworld: George Lucas's canceled live action series leaked

Star Wars Underworld: George Lucas's canceled live action series leaked

Filtered material from a real 2005 action series that was set between the original trilogy and the prequels comes to light for the first time.

Star Wars Underworld discovers for the first time material in the pre-production phase of a project that George Lucas himself started in 2005, a series with up to 400 planned episodes that was finally canceled in 2010 due to budget problems. Now, we can finally see what a real or live action series of Star Wars looked like that featured up to 100 completed scripts and was set between the original trilogy and the prequels, in full expansion of the Galactic Empire.

First sequences of a series of real action

At that time, George Lucas, still with absolute control of the Star Wars universe, intended to bring to the small screen his vision of what should have been a live action series of such a popular film franchise. So much so, that they raised up to 400 episodes over the following years, with an approximate duration of about 42 minutes per chapter and a personality close to the series and movies of gangsters in the vast world of Star Wars.

So much so, that Rick McCallum, producer of Lucasfilm, described the series to the medium Collider “as The Godfather; It is the Empire slowly building its power base around the galaxy, which happens in Coruscant, which is the main capital, and is a group of clandestine bosses who live there and control drugs, prostitution. Obviously, we could not use certain language, but they must be serious actions, very complicated relationships, incredible questions of power and corruption, greed, vanity and pride. ”

Star Wars Underworld: George Lucas's canceled live action series leaked

However, the series succumbed to the highest budgetary aspirations; This is what the producer himself recognized: “We made Episode III, which is one of the biggest Star Wars movies in relation to the construction of scenarios, visual effects and a lot of other things at a cost of 100 million dollars, something that seemed possible five years ago, because if it had been done by any study or anywhere in the United States, it would have easily doubled that price. So imagine a one-hour episode with more digital animation, more visual effects and more stage design and costumes than a two-hour movie that took us three years to do, and also have to do it every week with 5 million. ”

The series aimed to address many aspects never seen before in Star Wars, with temporary trips included; so much so, that an episode was planned in which a group of bandits traveled through time to prevent Darth Vader from existing. On the other hand, even those responsible mention the canceled Star Wars 1313 video game with which they shared aesthetics and personality.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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