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Borderlands 3: the Broken Heart Day event and new road map arrive

Borderlands 3: the Broken Heart Day event and new road map arrive

Gearbox presents a new event to celebrate Valentine's Day along with new features such as increasing the level limit and new content planning.

Borderlands 3, the celebrated Gearbox shooter for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Stadia, aims to celebrate the feast of Valentine's Day with the new Broken Heart Day event, a whole “love letter to the community” of the title with interesting news such as the increase of the level limit, a new Assault mode and a new roadmap of downloadable content for the coming months. This has been presented by those responsible through its official website.

All free content so far

Thus, and through a new entry in which Gearbox offers a review of all the free content released so far for Borderlands 3, the company appreciates the dedication of the title community: “The launch of Borderlands 3 was a golden clasp historic for both Gearbox and 2K, but none of this would have been possible without your support. Your incredible welcome has been overwhelming, so, with all our love and affection: thank you. Your enthusiasm compensates all the time, energy and passion that we have dedicated to this project, and it still gives us strength, because we are not done yet! ”

Borderlands 3: the Broken Heart Day event and a new road map arrive

And from this month of February, Borderlands 3 will receive a good handful of novelties through a new patch, starting with the Real Assault mode of the good one, a really challenging way that we can access by activating the lever located at the right of the camera from the beginning of the game.

On the other hand, the level limit will be increased from 50 to 53, with the possibility of enjoying three additional points for the skill tree, in order to improve or test other skills. In addition, and through the following patches, Gearbox intends to improve the gaming experience through the following news:

  • Performance and stability improvement
  • Possibility to skip video scenes
  • Enable or disable guardian range
  • Activate or deactivate events
  • Improvements in struggle to live
  • Upcoming news for Chaos 2.0 mode
  • Expansions for Twitch Echo extension

In addition, and as with previous deliveries, they plan to balance weapons, equipment and powers through improvements rather than just reducing statistics. Finally, its creators place us at PAX East on February 27 to learn more about Borderlands 3.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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