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Dreams: Sony should allow the best games to come out on the PS Store, according to Media Molecule

Dreams: Sony should allow the best games to come out on the PS Store, according to Media Molecule

The co-founder of the study recognizes that there are some obstacles to overcome, such as the issue of monetization.

If you dream, you can. That is the premise of Dreams, the most recent production of Media Molecule, parents of Little Big Planet and Tearaway. In addition to a campaign created by the studio itself, the title includes a complete set of tools for designing video games. According to Mark Healey, co-founder of the company, the authors of the best games should have the opportunity to publish them on the PlayStation Store, although doing so would lead to some other problem.

“One of the obvious things we should do is choose the content that is brilliant and launch it as an independent product on the PlayStation Store,” he begins in an interview with VGC. The creative is convinced that they can do it: “It is a fantastic story to see how the community has developed in such a short period of time. There is already content that would be worthwhile on PSN, so that at least it will end up happening, I'm sure. I will make it possible, ”he concludes, with conviction.

However, complications are also present. "The ultimate goal is that people can monetize their product in some way, but it is a delicate balance," says Healey. “It's not just a matter of 'how things happen through lawyers', but what you want to happen through lawyers. What is the model? ”He asks rhetorically. "It's a tricky business because you don't want to ruin the experience of people who share and collaborate." According to his words, "money can easily change things," in directions that are not always positive.


Dreams on PS5?

Dreams is one of the exclusive PlayStation 4 video games. It went on sale in early access, although at the beginning it only incorporated the editor. From December 14 it is already possible to play the full experience. The title will be backward compatible with Sony's new generation machine, PlayStation 5, as confirmed by the study. In fact, the product already works in the system. Still, they haven't announced any patch class to improve the game on the console.

PlayStation 5 is scheduled for the end of the year, although it still has no specific date. The latest information suggests that Sony is having problems when setting the price, which has not yet decided, as revealed in its shareholder meeting.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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