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FIFA 20: two players resolve their match to rock-paper-scissors due to server problems

FIFA 20: two players resolve their match to rock-paper-scissors due to server problems

In an official qualifier. They could not meet to compete with each other and this decision was made by EA Sports.

Two professional FIFA 20 players have had to solve their rock-paper-scissors tie after the game's servers did not work properly and could not meet to play. This is how Shaun Galea expressed himself, saying that "I can't believe it" and adding that "we had to literally play rock, paper, scissors because we couldn't find each other in an EA Qualified Qualifier." The player followed with another message on social networks: "All the work done in the first phase for absolutely nothing. Phase 2 arrives and I lose playing rock-paper-scissors to decide my Swiss record. What can I say?"

The problems with the servers caused this way of solving the meeting. Although many may ask why to do this and not postpone it, in Reddit they explained that if one of the two refuses to play, the other can win by simply protesting for non-appearance. a rocambolesque situation that has not pleased the player who managed to pass the round, Hasan Eker.

fifa 20 pro players

The winner, surprised with the decision

In another message on social networks, he explains what could happen thanks to winning at rock-paper-scissors. "Frankly, it's absurd to read, but that's what they thought of EA when they saw the situation we were in. Are our servers down? It's not our problem, throw a coin in the air or play rock, paper, scissors , or something like that". At the moment no one from EA has commented on the situation, but many wonder why they cannot postpone until they fix the problems as happens with real football matches, where if the weather conditions do not accompany, an alternative game is not proposed to decide a winner.

Several players have reported during the FUT weekend that the servers were running quite badly and that the games were not accessible, so it has also affected the users of half the world.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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