Generation Zero – Comprehensive update brings new crafting system


Avalanche has released a comprehensive update for its open-world title 'Generation Zero', which includes a new crafting system.

The new crafting system has been in the works for a while, giving players better ways to craft their items. The system is gradually being expanded. Specifically, this update focuses on adding bonus stats to each of your garments. You can add a bonus to your favorite outfit so that you are both stylish and ready to fight.

A handful of potential bonuses for your outfits have already been created, including explosion protection or a noise reduction bonus. All you need is the schematics to learn how to make these improvements, as well as the right materials, all of which can be found all over the world, including in homes, in containers, or being dropped by machines. Recycling your old equipment is also a great way to get crafting materials.

Other important changes concern the inventory, a better balance in the level of difficulty, and the adaptation of the game world, including more variety in the houses, more named places, interesting hotspots and much more. In the future, we will continue to work on additions and adjustments. Otherwise, various bugs that were recorded in the following changelog were also fixed.



  • (Community Report) Fixed an issue where the hidden glasses would not appear in your inventory when you picked them up (players that previously picked them up will see them in their inventory now)
  • Fixed an issue where not all instances of explodable tanks (ex.gas tank) could be looted
  • Fixed an issue where a lockpick would be consumed even if the player had the correct key to a locked door
  • Fixed an issue where the interaction trigger location on skills was inconsistent
  • Fixed an issue where the Worn Leather Gloves would obscure the player’s view when aiming down sights
  • Fixed an issue where shotgun shells could sometimes get out of sync with the reload animation
  • Fixed an issue where the transition between standing and crouching would be instant when aiming with iron sights


  • (Community Report) Fixed an issue where the Tank would not spawn in the Last Resort Side Mission
  • Fixed an issue where the objective marker for the Gas Run Side Mission was in the wrong place


  • (Community Report) Fixed an issue where machine corpses would sometimes disappear before players could loot them
  • (Community Report) Fixed an issue where the loot window would instantly disappear when looting machines, making it impossible to loot the machine


  • (Community Report) Toned down the number of Boomboxes that were spawning in the world
  • (Community Report) Fixed an issue where there was missing wall collision in the Björntunet spa
  • Fixed an issue where it was snowing inside the Beredskapsförråd 107 underground facility
  • Fixed an issue where some loot containers at Safehouses outside of a Region were not spawning loot
  • Fixed an issue where some loot containers were not properly able to be interacted with
  • Fixed a few instances of floating, untextured, or invisible objects


  • Fixed a few minor text errors
About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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