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Sonic congratulates the year with clues about his next game

Sonic congratulates the year with clues about his next game

The official hedgehog account has welcomed 2020 with hidden messages that seem to advance the presentation of a new game in the saga.

The official Sonic account on Twitter has congratulated us the new year in a very particular way. Far from complying with the classic “Happy 2020!”, The hedgehog community manager has hidden a series of clues in the video that could be related to the announcement of a new installment. Although they may go unnoticed in a first viewing, the congratulation has several miniature and translucent texts that say the following: “It started in 2015; The flash of a flame; Growing with each success; Withstanding all the challenges; My last puzzle; Remember the words; Ignis Aurum Probat; This next chapter belongs to you. ”

It is not the first time that Sega has given to throw this type of tracks to confuse his fans. He did something similar before the presentation of Sonic Forces and Sonic Mania. Precisely the development of the latter "began in 2015", as the first sentence of the message says. Is it time for a new compilation that pays tribute to our hero? As 9 of his Reviews on FreeGameTips demonstrates, it would not be a bad step. In any case, the only thing that has been confirmed so far is that Takashi Iizuka and the Sonic Team are already preparing 2021, considered the next “great year” of the hedgehog, which is still getting older and will turn 30 by then.

Meanwhile, Sonic: The Movie

The best way to liven up the wait for news seems to be in the Sonic movie, which closed the year with a new trailer that showed Baby Sonic and Green Hill, the most representative stage of the entire saga. The film will hit theaters on February 14, coinciding with Valentine's Day and after months of delays. Given the criticisms of his first videos, Paramount chose to make a complete Sonic residence that has cost a whopping $ 35 million. An amount that has increased the budget of the film by 33% and we look forward to seeing at once if it was worth it.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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