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The 5 keys of Temtem: this is the Spanish MMO inspired by Pokémon

The 5 keys of Temtem: this is the Spanish MMO inspired by Pokémon

The title of CremaGames comes in Early Access to Steam with the aim of gaining ground among lovers of the JRPG of creature collection.

Temtem is being one of the biggest names in the independent scene of this beginning of the year. The title, which has been in development for more than two years, is signed by the Spanish studio CremaGames, which from their offices in Madrid are gradually materializing what was initially just a dream: to design their original alternative version of Pokémon.

Getting to know Temtem: from Madrid to the whole world

Inspired by the phenomenon of Game Freak, Immortal Redneck's parents now face the final stretch of a development currently in early access via Steam; although in the future it will also go to consoles (Xbox One, PS4 and Nintendo Switch) when it is finished. Until then there are many months left, they estimate to have it ready before the end of the second half of 2021; But Early Access allows us to get a clear idea of ​​what Temtem is and, above all, what it wants to be in the future.

The 5 keys of Temtem: this is the Spanish MMO inspired by Pokémon
On the occasion of early access, Crema published a Temtem anime series opening

Because we are not talking about a JRPG to use, but an MMO with the basis of the classic titles of collection, combat and exchange of creatures. Saving distances, names like Yo-kai Watch, Dragon Quest Monsters, Digimon World or Pokémon are relevant analogies to establish parallels. Not surprisingly, Temtem wants to be Temtem, with all that that implies, in a market where it is increasingly difficult to stand out through a bet that overflows with personality. The latter is something that players must rule, but in Steam the more than 4530 reviews by real buyers of the game leave a clear assessment: the feelings are being "very positive."

The figures speak for themselves: peaks of more than 30,000 concurrent players in their first 24 hours, collapsed servers and moments where the game has become a trend in the social network Twitter. More than 50,000 units sold in their first hours for sale and a much clearer perspective of the scale of the project, which is not going to remain solely in a successful Kickstarter. Because we can't forget where Temtem is or where it comes from.

Back in July 2018, when the micromanagement campaign ended, the Spanish study managed to add 573,939 dollars raised (494,179 euros to change), we are talking about the Spanish game with the highest collection in the history of a collective financing campaign. More than 11,700 sponsors. A few days later, this house was able to interview the studio exclusively, where Guillermo Cremades, Game Director at Crema Games, was good at explaining what at that time was a much smaller game than it is now.

Temtem | Crema Games

1. Multiplayer role: a huge online world

This is perhaps the best way to explain one of the keys of Temtem, one of the aspects with which you want to differentiate the title, is an MMORPG. It is not a sandbox, but a finite world where the Air Archipelago (consisting of six islands, three of them available in early access) serves as a complete and living world. Everyone we meet is connected and lives their own adventure. Temtem tamers, they are called.

In addition to being able to make our own team with more than 160 total creatures with their evolutionary lines (for now about 80), it is possible to interact with each other to fight in turn-based combats and make exchanges. Of course, those who prefer to stay out of the MMO concept can also play alone and play campaign mode. What is mandatory is to be connected to the Internet. From there, we will expect six islands with eight dojos, equivalent to the well-known gym leaders.

Temtem | Crema Games
Temtem | Crema Games

2. Double fighting: yes or yes strategy

One of the keys to combat, it should be said, is that they are always double, not individual, to guarantee depth in the strategy. Any competitive Pokémon player worth his salt will identify how different this aspect is to design a prediction and anticipation strategy for what the opponent is about to do. Crema wanted to design a challenging, difficult video game. So much so that it is possible to play in a Nuzlocke mode (in short, where each casualty translates into a death, not a weakening, among other prescriptive aspects). In Temtem we have a trio of initial Pokémon, as we tell you in this link. And yes, there is an elementary table of types with dozens of possible combinations. It may seem intimidating – which is if you are not a veteran in the genre – but it is one of the graces of this type of role-playing game.

Temtem | Crema Games

3. Customization of the Tamer and our own home

As they told us at the time, they intend to strengthen housing, that we are not only wandering beings to be able to customize aesthetic and cosmetic elements. In Temtem there are many cities and places to visit, but our home is also customizable. Within a series of concrete places where to lodge our lodging, that share a central location, the interior will offer multitude of customization options. Predefined objects, trophies, diplomas, furniture, posters … Your house, with your stuff, as if it were The Sims, but adapted to this universe. In addition, when there are tournaments and we win trophies, we can show off at our house.


Temtem allows the creation of non-binary characters: there are no predefined differences by our sex. “You choose the body; then you are what you want, ”Cremades told FreeGameTips. Except the height, everything else is customizable.

4. Breeding, genetic degradation and the equivalent of Ditto

A fundamental element of Pokémon is breeding, that deep and complex world where the statistics, numbers and talent of each race become a goal to be achieved by the players; and if it is shiny (Luma), that there are in Temtem, we find the long-awaited combo: the Pokémon with 100% statistics on genetics and its variocolor side.

Temtem | Crema Games

“When you hunt a Temtem it will come with an indicator that will put the number of times it can be raised, an indicator that will put, for example, 5 times. If you join it with another, you will have 10 possible attempts. By joining the two, the indicator goes down and will inherit the lowest number. The objective is that there is no over-exploitation of Temtem ”, they commented. The idea is defined and clear. In addition, the degradation of the Temtem will allow us not to use a creature eternally for its upbringing, but, as a living being, has a limit.

There are aspects that we have learned over time related to fertility. The offspring have a 40% accurate chance of inheriting the best parent base statistics; a 40% chance of bequeathing an average of both parents; and, finally, the remaining 20% ​​is the possible percentage of obtaining the lowest statistics. But what is fertility? That statistic that explains the total number of eggs a Temtem can lay before it becomes sterile.

For those who ask, the probability of obtaining a wild Luma-type Temtem (shiny) is 1 per 6000. Another less motivating way of saying that there is a 0.006% chance that one of these well-called extraordinary creatures will come out . A matter of luck? Indeed, a matter of luck.

Finally, the presence of a Temtem like Ditto will act as a wild cardinal parent in the upbringing. For the less familiar, this race of Temtem has the peculiarity of being able to pair with any other. Thus, if this wild species has good statistics (or perfect statistics), we will be more likely to hatch eggs close to excellence.

Temtem | Crema Games

5. Artistic section: visual and sound ambition

Last October, Crema showed how the game's music was going to be, an adaptive and dynamic music depending on the moment of the game we are in. The colorful world will be seasoned by a soundtrack composed by the musician Damián Sánchez, who explained in the DeVuego medium some of the procedures they are using for the design of each theme.

“With the help of‘ middleware ’FMOD, I have designed a series of behaviors through which music becomes somewhat more sophisticated than a simple loop,” he commented. We will listen to different things every time we go through familiar places thanks to a personalized system: “I have designed a system that allows the audio engine to randomly select between several predefined entry points in the song every time your character enters an area of different game, ”said Sánchez.

Judging by the impressions of the users in forums and social networks, the soundtrack is very much liked. Where there are more disparate opinions is in the design of avatars, somewhat hieratic and with a lack of charisma. It is a matter of time to know if the more than 160 Temtem of this first generation of the game will make room in the players' memory, since it is still early to reach any conclusions. The amount of artworks and personalized images of the community is very large, which shows that there are also many people who are very liked by Crystle, Smazee, Houchic and company.

What awaits us in the final version of Temtem

  • More than 161 Temtem
  • 6 unique islands + 1 mini-island with advanced content after finishing the story
  • Competitive rankings
  • Auction and exchange house
  • Clubs (our vision of the clans, with weekly dojo wars)
  • Houses and decoration
  • Arcade bar
  • Nuzlocke game mode
  • Three mythical Temtem
  • In-game tournaments
  • Steam achievements and stickers

Temtem will go on sale in its final version for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC "sometime in the second or third quarter of 2021". It is currently available in early access with approximately 50% of all that content.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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