
Codemasters in awe of the Xbox Series X SSD: Dirt 5 with no load times

Codemasters in awe of the Xbox Series X SSD: Dirt 5 with no load times

The studio’s technical director praises Microsoft’s console technology and highlights the benefits of its ultra-fast hard drive.

The new consoles will not only be a graphic advance, but will also benefit from their SSD hard drives, which in essence will allow loading times to go down in history. Codemasters, the study specialized in driving games, has been amazed by the technology, in this case of the Xbox Series X console. This has been admitted by David Springate, technical director of the study, who has confirmed on Xbox Wire that Dirt 5 does not will have load times.

“Obviously, that SSD hard drive is amazing. It is not like the SSD of a PC, it is more than that, “he says. “Being able to load data so fast is not only impressive, but as a developer, it’s very interesting.” In the case of Dirt 5, it will be possible to access the races very quickly. “This means that there will be no loading screens along the way”, so there will be no time to even look at the “mobile”.

More about the hard drive

The developer has further explained that there are many more facets to explore, but that he is very “intrigued” by what they can do with the new SSD and Xbox Velocity Architecture technology. “The hard drive is so fast that I can load mid-frame data, use it, consume it, download it, and replace it with anything else in the middle of the frame.” The GPU memory can be treated as if it were “a virtual disk”. Springate admits she is looking forward to finding out how far they can go with it.

Both Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 introduce SSD technologies into their guts. Both consoles are scheduled for the end of 2020, although there are still many unknowns to be resolved. What is official is that Sony will present its games catalog on June 11, while Microsoft will do the same with Halo Infinite in July.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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