Is THQ Nordic teasing a remake of Timesplitters 2?

Various users find items in Spellforce 3 related to games published by THQ… And with Timesplitters 2 Remake.

Timesplitters 2 Remake. The three words are not the result of a rumor or a leak in a forum, but of one of the games published by THQ Nordic. Players who have been enjoying SpellForce 3: Fallen God have found that within the game there are objects that respond to names of various titles that have been published or are announced by the distributor. In this sense, names such as the last SpongeBob, Gothic Remake, which by the way is in development from THQ Barcelona, ​​Biomutant… and TimeSplitters 2 Remake have been found. Is it a teaser? A trolling?

As explained by some media, such as VGC, the following can be read in the description: “It’s finally on its way! The iconic shooter, which has stood the test of time in the modern era ”. Already last year THQ commented that they intended to prepare a new installment of the saga and in fact hired one of the co-directors of the original game, Steve Ellis, to “help shape the future of the franchise” .

Is THQ Nordic teasing a remake of Timesplitters 2?
There is the description.

Despite this, the reality is that there was never talk of plans to make a remaster of the original trilogy. At the moment it is unknown if we are facing a teaser for an imminent announcement or simply a joke, but it has already been made public. Now we will have to wait to find out who would be behind, since Free Radical was acquired by Crytek, it was renamed Crytek UK, but it ended up being sold to Koch Media and some of the projects that were in process were left in limbo.

The heir of Goldeneye

After a fairly fair first installment, Timesplitters 2 became one of the best FPS of the PS2, Xbox and Gamecube era. The title was created by Free Radical, from which several of the Rare team members that worked on Goldeneye came from. And the formula left no room for doubt: it was the heir to this type of shooters, with missions with various tasks to perform and that went beyond killing all enemies, a presence of certain stealth at many times and a very similar control . In addition to a simply wonderful split screen multiplayer.

Source | Video Game Chronicles

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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