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Krunker, thus the free shooter that begins to emerge on Steam

Krunker, thus the free shooter that begins to emerge on Steam

The game, which has been in constant growth for a few years, not only offers a competent competitive FPS for everyone, but also a dynamic community full of content

Krunker is starting to be a trend on Steam, where it has just fully landed, although the Yendis Entertainment game has already accumulated a few years in the free games market, making itself a bigger and bigger niche in the always competitive world of F2P games. Its cover letter is clear: a first-person shooter accessible to any type of computer, widely modular and with an advanced movement system, which is one of the keys to its appeal.

Aesthetically the game rests on blocks, giving it a look reminiscent of Minecraft or Roblox. This is key to one of its most outstanding facets: the ease for any player to create maps and content of all kinds. But when it comes to moving and exploring movement mechanics, we find a set that can be quite deep, which collects ideas from various installments of Quake, Call of Duty or Tribes, inviting a progression that will make the difference between fans and veterans. .

Krunker comes to Steam

As soon as we download the game (very light, about 75 Mbs more or less), we immediately enter a public server and a game in which we can enter at will. We do not need an account or register, just accept some terms of use and privacy since, as we will soon discover, one of the sources of income is in the ads inserted in the menus. Therefore, the first impression is positive, with a couple of clicks we are ready to jump to a map and get involved in a Deathmatch (in which they give us for the hair, but we are already playing a few seconds after installing and starting it. , quite a success to attract attention from the beginning).

Immediacy, quantity and variety

Once the waters have been tested, we stop to see the options that we have at our disposal. There is a class system that allows us to start the game with a different variety of weapons (automatic and semi-automatic, sniper rifles, pistols, crossbows, rocket launchers …). Among the public servants we find different classic game style modalities such as the aforementioned Deatmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and the like. The variety of maps in each mode is very wide and the players vote at the end of the game where they want to go next.

Krunker, thus the free shooter that begins to emerge on Steam

This is where the power and flexibility of the map creation and editing engine comes into play. Building by blocks makes the process intuitive and understandable from the beginning for a wide range of players, which makes it possible for there to be thousands of alternatives that go beyond the creation of maps and bet on creating different game modes from the traditional ones. of an FPS. There are game modes designed exclusively for the platform, inviting players to make the best times on maps that rise to the heights, or that invite us to perform transversal feats on the rooftops of futuristic cities in the purest Mirror’s Edge style (saving the distances). There are zombie survival modes in which downed players join the ranks of the undead while players left alive try to escape. There are, of course, modes that emulate Battle Royale and all of them are accessible with a mere click on the main hub.

A whole microverse full of opportunities

Everything is intuitive in Krunker: maps, game modes, mods … if a modification of a weapon that appears in the menu catches our attention, we will only have to click on the drop-down menu to download it, load it and start playing . But not all possibilities are open to newcomer players; Once we decide to continue playing, it will be convenient to make an account and continue with the level progression, which will increase the level of our character to allow us to do more things (for example, the chat is banned to all players below level 5 ).

The further we go, the more options we have. The game has a dynamic economy with its own currency, KR, and there is a community that is actively dedicated to creative elements and commerce, especially the subject of skins, which is one of the most powerful and demanded facets of Krunker (although for this we will have to reach level 20, in which the market and trade options are opened). Personalization, integration and community, are elements on which a game tries to build that already has a large community of channels on YouTube with tutorials, highlights and similar content. Its accessibility and the ability to run directly from the browser has also made it an accessible hobby for many students (surely too much if you ask some parents and teachers).

Krunker, thus the free shooter that begins to emerge on Steam

It remains to be seen if his arrival on Steam catapults him to new goals, although the game carries some problems of its own accessibility, especially with cheat issues, one of the common complaints from the community. For now, the arrival of new players is noticeable and it is easy to find games of all kinds on public servers, so it will be interesting to see how it evolves from there.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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