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Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays

Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays

We share with you those titles that we are going to play these days while we wish you happy holidays

As every year, from the writing of Meristation we congratulate you these holidays by sharing with you that game that occupies our free time on these very important days.

Valkyria Chronicles 4 – Salva Fernández (coordinator)

Throughout the year I have been playing and enjoying one of the best games of recent times: Valkyria Chronicles 4. It is a game that collects the essence of a PS3 top, the first Valkyria, and a title that overflows quality by four sides. With the arrival of the new consoles and the end of the year work it has been impossible for me to continue with it, but I hope to continue and finish it these days or early 2021. Its spectacular artistic direction is accompanied by brilliant gameplay, even for those of us a few packages in this of the strategy. How the story tells and how it gets complicated, the combination of units and strategies to follow, the new enemies that appear and above all the epic that grows with each mission (after the fifth chapter, the game definitely takes off) make make it an essential of the generation. Give it a try, even if you don’t like the genre. Although you have never played the saga. You will like.

Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays

Call of the Sea —Borja Ruete

In winter, cold and a blanket, I will play a video game that will transport me to a tropical island. The Spanish studio Out of the Blue Games has developed Call of the Sea, one of the great surprises for Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PC. This play is set in the 1930s, but no one expects cities or jazz clubs. We drive to Norah, a woman who travels to a distant island in search of her missing husband. After leaving the ship behind, he soon discovers that he is not in just any place, as he seems to have a life of his own. The developers have built an ingenious puzzle title, which drinks from Lovecraft and is steeped in adventure cinema to delight us with a product that is as fun as it is challenging. I have already been able to try it for a few minutes, but at Christmas I will take the opportunity to finish it quietly. It is what I look for in those dates, short and rewarding experiences.

Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays

Demon’s Souls, Pedro Herrero

Almost 10 years after playing the original I return to Boletaria thanks to this fantastic remake by Bluepoint. And to suffer again, even more, because I feel that the younger ones discover reality, but the skills in command diminish with age … I can well attest it, and it is that every minute From Software makes sure to remind me because its formula is the most influential of the last decade, and the merit of having made a proposal like this one at a time when video games were little more than a walk in the park is to be recognized.

Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw -José Maria Villalobos-

On PC since last year, it wasn’t until the end of September 2020 that Rebel Galaxy Outlaw arrived on consoles. I am really enjoying it on Switch, which is a great port and I have the advantages that the portable format offers me. The game, which takes to the particular the general of the previous installment, focuses on a character and his ship. Gone is the expansive Rebel Galaxy of 2015, where conflicts were large-scale and more strategic. At Outlaw we smell the stale scent of the pages of Metal Hurlant and its old rogue stories from space. Ragged characters moving on the outer and abandoned edge of the galaxy. Outlaw also smells like a seedy joint, from sidelong glances from the bar counter while we play a game of pool and country sounds from rickety speakers. Direct action in space, bounty hunters and shenanigans here and there. A multitude of systems to explore, with space stations where we dock our squat and ramshackle novelty pulp ship. Wait, have you seen? I think those two guys gave the bartender a suspicious signal while looking at us. Get out first. We meet in the hangar. If I don’t show up in ten minutes, you know you’ll have to find another partying partner.

Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays

Bubble Bobble 4 Friends -Joaquin Relaño-

The circumstances of the already more than brought and carried pandemic (try to be prudent and use your head, that this is far from over) force to spend Christmas with the closest relatives. For my part, my wife, my two children, a lot of home and a lot of consolation. And what game is there with which four players can have a great time, on the same console and regardless of their age, gender or whatever? In my case it is clear to me: Bubble Bobble 4 Friends. The saga of the bubble-throwing dragons has fascinated me since I got my hands on its first installment, back in 1986, and with this title (which also just received an expansion with 100 extra levels) everything remains the same for me. And also for my kids. It is a pleasure to see how they are taking Bub and Bob the same affection that I took when I was their age.

Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays

Demon’s Souls – Paula Sáez (Croft)

This year 2020 has been very difficult for everyone. For this reason, what better way to say goodbye than with a game at the height, complex and intricate? My choice for this Christmas will be, mainly, the remake of the classic From Software. It is the first time that I have faced such a challenge and I do not really know what awaits me in each of the Archstones. For this reason, I have found a good adventure companion to go over the command with each death (which will be a few) and thus complete this dangerous adventure in company. Because even though it is not a game focused on the cooperative, I think that you can enjoy much more in this way, sharing impressions, suffering and also great satisfaction.

Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays

On the other hand, put to face demons, I plan to end the year watching the credits of DOOM Eternal, a game that I have already started and that demonstrates the good know-how of id Software when dealing with a historical franchise and full of memorable deliveries.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice, Sergio C. González

For some reason, for many years at Christmas I tend to recover some installment of the Ace Attorney series, it makes me feel good. It is true that the title to which I will dedicate the most hours is Dragon Quest XI S, which I have started for a few days now that it is available on Xbox Game Pass, but I have doubts if I will finish it before I return to work; so my chosen title is Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice. It has been four years since its launch and (how quickly time goes by) in 2021 the twentieth anniversary of what is one of my fetish sagas is celebrated. Spirit of Justice is the sixth and – for now – the last installment of the main series, an example of how to unravel a plot that began long before, a tribute to the figure of Phoenix and Apollo that no fan should miss. Capcom owes us a seventh installment. Meanwhile, those afternoons of reading, without thinking about the time, calm, simply thinking about the adventures of the intrepid lawyer, are a feeling that I never tire of repeating. A tradition that hopefully remains intact over the years. I’m already listening to the music in my head …

Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays


“Although this year 2020 has been very different due to the adversities that we have had to face worldwide, Christmas is presented this year as a reason to leave behind the bad times and enjoy time with family members, to the extent that circumstances do. At the same time, there will always be a gap to be able to spend some time enjoying those games that have stood out throughout this year or, on the contrary, dedicate a new pass to other titles, both recent and older ones.

Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays

This year the title that I will dedicate time to this holiday season is the remake of the adventure of Cloud Strife and company, a title that appeared this year and that offers the reunion with the characters and the world that many players enjoyed on their PlayStation consoles in 1997. Although the adventure that Square Enix launched this year to the market follows part of the story of the original title, focused on this title on the adventures in Midgar, it does not hesitate to offer certain aspects that make it somewhat different, both in the narrative and in the playable, resulting in a peculiar mix that tries to draw attention to the classic player and, in turn, to new ones who are interested in what this title offers them. “

Bayonetta 2 – Laura Luna

Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays

If we think of Christmas games, Bayonetta 2 is one of those that would top the list. A haunting adventure that happens on Christmas Eve, and the classic love story of going in search of the loved one in the Underworld itself. Of course, all dressed up with gun heels, magical hair, monstrous angels and demons. And, of course, two great ladies like Bayonetta and Jeanne. And yes, as I write these words, I put the Nintendo Switch in my suitcase.

Stardew Valley – Israel Mallén

Almost all my colleagues will include here a game to disconnect with, but I am in a very different vital moment. What I need now is to reconnect with myself, put the brakes on and slow down. It has been an especially hectic end of the year emotionally, academically and professionally. To be honest, I’m not exactly fine. The truth is that I have not had much time to stop and think not about the steps to take or those that I have already taken, but those that I am taking right now. My goal this holiday season is to stop it all and be a little more aware of my surroundings. I also want to do it together with my loved ones. And I can’t think of a better title to address all those needs than Stardew Valley.

To return to Eric Barone’s farm is to recognize that something is wrong and that I can’t take it anymore, yes, but also the reflection of my desire to change things. If you have to start from scratch, let it be in Pelican Town. There, with fewer obligations at the computer and more parsnips – everything in life improves with parsnips – I have the margin I need to get better. I always go to Stardew Valley in similar conditions, but it is the ideal title to reorder ideas and establish priorities. It is not that I recover through the game, but that this constitutes one more element in my recovery. Along with walks, time with my pet, sports and reading, enjoying Stardew Valley is one of those things that alleviates the most anxious moments. A simpler life is a better life, as the work shows us, and I try to apply it in my day to day more and more.

Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays

Now, in addition, I can enjoy all its virtues in local cooperative thanks to the update to version 1.5 of the game. Online multiplayer is great for connecting in a pandemic, but I’m a strong advocate for split screen. There is no virtual emoticon that can replace the laugh of who you have on the other side of the sofa. And I think this year we have all learned to value it a little more.

Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla -Alejandro Castillo-

Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays

During my vacations, I always take the opportunity to finish part of the catalog that requires more hours to complete. This Christmas I will spend my time watching the outcome of the Eivor adventure. Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla has me completely trapped. I have been submerged in England for more than 40 hours and I still do not see the end on the horizon. The changes in exploration encourage me to keep digging deeper and deeper. Therefore, between nougat and polvorón, my Christmas will pass in a Viking key.

The Witcher 3 – Rocío Torrejón

If I wanted to say a specific game that will be in my day to day in these parties, it may be difficult for me to decide. It is true that I love the indie style and it is very likely that a new release will pass through my library such as HAVEN, Unto The End or Alba: A Wildlife Adventure, but I want to change a bit. Lately I am getting into the routine of leaving games half finished and that has to end, so it is time to give The Witcher 3 another chance, without a doubt a unique game in many of its aspects. After the failure of CD Projekt with Cyberpunk I want to enjoy the title that brought it to glory in the world of video games.

Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays

Who does not know The Witcher 3? It is the great title that conquered our hearts in 2015, and continues to do so, with its huge open world set in a fantasy Middle Ages. I will put myself in the shoes of Geralt of Rivia and will hunt down all those monsters that are waiting for me. However, there will be days this Christmas when I feel free to grab my Nintendo Switch and enjoy again the fantastic installment of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, as well as continue chasing the Kolog seeds from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I wish you happy holidays, a very good start and start of the year, and see you with great analyzes!

Ghost of a Tale – Airam Fernández

Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays

Ever since they showed the early access of Ghost of a Tale I have always been curious to play it, to try that medieval atmosphere carrying a mouse, named Tilo, in his stealth adventure trying to escape from the fortress and rescue his love. That artistic section and the lighting that bathes the place makes me want to go inside its walls to know first-hand the history of this mouse bard and it so happened that not long ago I was able to buy it on sale; I was looking for a hole to sink my teeth into and Christmas could not be a better date to play without being aware of the weather, there is no excuse.

Miles Morales and CoD Cold War – César Otero

Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays

They say that “great power comes with great responsibility.” This year my Christmases have a name: PlayStation 5, which thanks to luck – and active Twitter notifications – I was able to get a few weeks ago. And there they are Miles Morales, an absolute joy at 4K and with the Ray tracing activated that further polishes the experience of Insomniac’s Spider-man – you can spend hours just swinging. And the latest Call of Duty, Cold War, which on PS5 makes technological voodoo with the DualSense triggers differentiating each weapon, and making it clear that Sony’s system may be the most immersive option for the 9th Gen shooters that have already started. .

But since I only have one controller -or I bought a second pad or the AC Valhalla xd-, there is the Switch as an alternative plan with a pack of the first 8 and 16 Bit Castlevania for when I put it to load, and old school runs ‘Al Virtua Racing Remastered, what a surprise remastering has given me.

Our Christmas games 2020. We wish you happy holidays

Cyberpunk 2077 -Francisco Alberto Serrano Acosta-

It’s a shame that CD Projekt’s ambition with this project has tainted the release and given tens of thousands of fans upset, especially those who were hoping to play it on their PS4 and base Xbox One, as they should be able to do with any game that hits the market. . But I’m still in love with Night City, perhaps one of the virtual spaces that has impressed me the most in a lifetime dedicated to videogames. Beyond continuing to do secondary, my greatest entertainment with the game right now is simply being there, visiting every corner, finding those pieces of history that are not on the map, scattered by loose datapads in each corner of the city that are composing a puzzle that ranges from the most personal to the highest elements of the complex Californian city, an extraordinary digital construction that I consider myself fortunate to be able to explore.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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