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PS5 will be able to reach native 4K, confirm the creators of Quantum Error

PS5 will be able to reach native 4K, confirm the creators of Quantum Error

Teamkill Media, the team in charge of this space horror shooter, claims that they have had no problem reaching native 4K on PlayStation 5.

In recent weeks there have been certain rumors about the ability of the PlayStation 5 to reach native 4K, either due to misunderstandings in some marketing campaigns or due to statements from some industry insiders. This is the case of Dusk Golem, who has recently assured that he has heard from some developers that “PS5 has problems reaching 4K, so we will see a lot of fake 4K”. However, Teamkill Media, creators of the survival horror Quantum Error, claim that it will not.

With those “fake 4K” he talks about, he refers to a technique that uses some tricks of the software to rescale an image from 1080p – or something else – to 4K, without the necessary load to reach native 4K. But as we said, from Teamkill they assure that it will not be necessary.

“We are not sure where these statements come from, but it is not from us,” they said on Twitter. “Quantum Error currently runs at 4K and 65-70 frames per second without optimizing. We’ll hit our steady 4K, 60fps target. And there will be more than corridors! “, They responded to a tweet from a user in which he said that in Teamkill they had only been able to reach 30 fps with 4K resolution, and that in a game that was only a corridor shooter, accusing them plus a future downgrade.

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Again, and as in the case of Far Cry 6, an official source has to come out to deny the alleged inability of PS5 to reach 4K, something that for the moment, is beyond all doubt until the opposite is proven. . However, we are talking about non-existent rumors in the case of Xbox Series X, with which there is not even this debate.

Meanwhile, the launch of PS5 is expected for this coming end of the year, having already affirmed in a categorical way from the Japanese company that the new console will not suffer any delay due to the difficulties in the distribution of components that the coronavirus health crisis has brought with it. . For its part, Microsoft has already confirmed 100% that Xbox Series X will be available from the month of November, although neither of them has commented on the price.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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