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Reviews of the new eswap Pro Controller, the Thrustmaster parts controller

Analysis of the new eswap Pro Controller, the Thrustmaster parts controller

A command that allows you to customize the experience by changing your position elements. For PS4 and PC.

Thrustmaster is a brand more than recognized in the world of videogames for, among many other things, its peripherals and specific controls, such as joysticks for aerial simulation games or, above all, flyers. The company now wants to take a leap and enter the world of premium controls, where there are first-line competitors that go from the hardware creators themselves, such as Xbox One and its Elite 1 and 2, to brands that have been making varied proposals : Razer, Nacon or Scuf to name a few. On this occasion we analyzed the eswap pro controller for PC and PS4, which stands out for its great differential element: a control to parts that can exchange positions in different ways.

The first and most obvious thing that the controller offers is the possibility of moving the position of the analog sticks and the crosshead. The eternal discussion between players already accustomed to DualShock 4 and asymmetrical position controls here is not a problem, since we can place the pieces on one side or the other. It is the star feature for a controller that is perfectly adapted to what the PS4 offers with the option, share and touch panel buttons, although for example it lacks functions such as being able to turn on the console from the PS Button.

Analysis of the new eswap Pro Controller, the Thrustmaster parts controller

As a competitive command that it pretends to be, it brings several essential extras. The first is the possibility of assigning four subsequent buttons for some tasks. The buttons can be pressed easily and in this sense they seem better than the buttons of the last Nacon Ulnlimited, although we still prefer the blades that have some controls such as the Elite. In any case, its pulsation is efficient and one adapts quickly. In addition, we can also change the triggers for some larger ones if the ones that come standard do not convince us. We also have a button to activate or mute microphone. It comes with USB-C cable, and there is currently no wireless option

The buttons are mechanically cut and respond perfectly and immediately when we press, and we have several customizable elements from the application that can be accessed on a computer. In addition to assigning the buttons we want for up to two profiles at the same time, it allows us to customize the path of the triggers to be more or less immediate – according to whether we want something progressive for a racing game or something ipso facto for shooters-, as well as touching the sensitivity and path of the analog sticks.

Analysis of the new eswap Pro Controller, the Thrustmaster parts controller

The remote is somewhat larger than what we are used to in Playstation 4 if we compare it directly, and if you have small hands you will surely notice it during the first sessions. It is more similar to the standard of Xbox, a bigger tad, but the fact of not having levers and yes buttons makes the path of the back fingers somewhat larger. In any case, it is not at all uncomfortable and after several sessions – we have been already for several weeks – you get used to it without any problem.

Accessory packs: testing the fight

Analysis of the new eswap Pro Controller, the Thrustmaster parts controller

Thurstmaster's proposal is completed with the possibility of adding accessories that can change the experience even more. From the side grips to make it more adaptable to pieces by colors to give it a personal touch. Among the accessories we were interested in trying especially the fight, since it brings with it two differential elements. The first one, a rounded crosshead that a priori should be better to be able to mark diagonals and classic movements. And the second and most powerful: a piece that is placed where the right stick normally goes and that allows us to have six buttons aligned, ideal for games like Street Fighter 4 and 5.

The result of our tests in this regard have left good things and others that not so much. On the one hand, the cross of the fighting pack does not convince us for games like Dragon Ball FighterZ and others that require instant air-dash types, which would be forward or backward jumps at high speed. In fact, at this point the crosshead that comes standard works best for these commands, although we continue to stick with the DualShock 4 crosshead in this regard. Street Fighter V tests are more satisfactory. First, having the six buttons online is a point in favor of the six-button games. In addition, the round crosshead fulfills its function for all the typical movements of shotos and the jumps and diagonals, without the requirement of other games such as DBFZ or KOF, it does not suffer.

Analysis of the new eswap Pro Controller, the Thrustmaster parts controller


Eswap Pro Controller makes a difference with the option to reposition your parts, although it is true that once we have our configuration, it is not something we will do too many times. The response of the buttons is excellent, and it has many customization elements in the path of sticks, triggers, vibration and subsequent buttons that make it very complete. In addition, some accessories such as fighting allow you to adjust the control to an optimal experience, although not in all games. In this case, in fact, the extra crosshead does not improve the one that comes standard. You have to get used to its size, somewhat larger than others and that is even more noticeable because of the small back buttons, but it is postulated as a great option for PS4, although surely not so much on PC where it has the competition of the Elite. Its main setback is that it does not improve at all to normal options and that its high price (170 euros) is triggered if we want an extra pack as is the case of fighting game accessories.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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