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Sony San Diego had on the table create remakes of Uncharted and God of War

Sony San Diego had on the table create remakes of Uncharted and God of War

A former employee in a relevant position at the company admits that at the time they considered the possibility of recovering both exclusives of the PlayStation brand.

Michael Mumbauer, a former employee with a prominent position at the Sony San Diego company, has assured in a recent interview that the studio considered the possibility of carrying out the remakes of two weight exclusives of the PlayStation brand such as the original deliveries of God of War and Uncharted. This has been stated by the former worker in an online chat in which David Jaffe, director of the original God of War and Twisted Metal, among others, has also participated.

Two very ambitious projects

Thus, Mumbauer himself, after leaving behind his professional stage in Sony’s development studio in San Diego, explained that he began his career in the company as a project advisor in his artistic aspects, although after a while he received the task of managing projects related to remastering and remakes of the Japanese company. Among them, as he has revealed, two weighty franchises such as Uncharted and God of War.

And it is that Jaffe himself is interested in the talk on this topic, so he does not hesitate to ask Mumbauer what titles he was working on. “Remakes and remasters”, Mumbauer assures. “A development team was created. What I wanted to do was something of value like a God of War remake with today’s visual fidelity. Or a new version of Uncharted: Drake’s Treasure ”, says the former manager.

He even goes so far as to comment that at that time Shawn Layden was president of SIE Worldwide Studios and demonstrated over and over again a great interest in this type of project, that is, remastering and remakes. Recall that Sony San Diego is still working on an unannounced title with a team of about 200 employees, although the latest job ads shared by Sony San Diego itself refer to some kind of third-person action adventure. We will have to wait for future announcements to know all the details.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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