
Temtem Cancels PS4 and Xbox One Versions; will only come out in the new generation

Temtem Cancels PS4 and Xbox One Versions; will only come out in the new generation

Crema Games confirms that they are going to focus their efforts on the next gen versions, with which Temtem will only be released on PC, Xbox Series X, PS5 and Nintendo Switch.

The last State of Play celebrated by Sony left us a new gameplay trailer for Temtem and the confirmation that the game will be released on PS5, but also some news about its development. Hours after the event, its creators have confirmed that there will also be a version for Xbox Series X and that the existence of both has meant the cancellation of the game on PS4 and Xbox One. In this way, the game “only” will reach Xbox Series X, PS5, Nintendo Switch and PC (where it is already in early access format).

“It was not an easy decision,” said its developers, the members of Crema Games, in a message sent to all those who have supported the game on kickstarter (where, incidentally, it is still announced for PS4 and Xbox One). “We understand that many of you participated with the intention of playing it on current platforms and we always try to get ahead of everything. But as the new generation approached and seeing that Temtem continued and continued to grow, we have made the decision to completely focus our efforts on providing you the best possible experience on the new platforms. “

The game, which many know as “the Spanish Pokémon”, was originally planned for May 2020. However, Temtem’s exponential growth in content and quality has been delaying its development and at Crema Games they now estimate that it will be released throughout 2021, when update 1.0 arrives and the early access version finishes. The developer explained in her email to kickstarter backers that each additional platform adds a lot of work and complexity when launching new patches and add-ons, since you have to do specific testing sessions and comply with certain guidelines, many of them particular of each system. “So choosing which platforms we go on is a key decision to make good use of time.”

What about those who supported the kickstarter?

The developer offers two solutions to those who supported the game and were made with a Deluxe Edition or a BackerKit. The first is a return on the investment and the second is to change our version of Temtem for one for PC, Nintendo Switch, PS5 or Xbox Series X. Once the decision is made, just write to to let them know. They don’t want the controversial Shenmue 3 case to be repeated, which was announced as an exclusive to the Epic Games Store months after completing its financing and offered several problems to those requesting refunds, returns and exchanges.

In another order of things, a few weeks ago we were able to interview Guillermo Andrades, Game Director at CremaGames, who told us how Temtem has evolved (and never better …) during these months of confinement and coronavirus. A highly recommended talk to know the current state of the game.


About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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