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This is what Bioshock looks like in VR with Half-Life Alyx and the new free Return to Rapture mod

This is what Bioshock looks like in VR with Half-Life Alyx and the new free Return to Rapture mod

There’s a new mod for Valve’s celebrated virtual reality video game, this time in the form of an adventure set deep in the depths of Rapture.

Return to Rapture is a new mod for Half-Life Alyx set in the Bioshock universe and the underwater city of Rapture itself, an independent adventure already available for free through Steam Workshop that will return us to such an estimable setting in a format never before seen in the series: virtual reality. And it is that as it happened this same summer with the terrifying setting of P.T. As a mod for Half-Life Alyx, we can now enjoy the haunting and absorbing world of Bioshock in VR.

Now available for free

Thus, Returno to Rapture invites us to return to Bioshock through the most advanced virtual reality through the base of Half-Life Alyx, all with a completely new adventure and with a spectacular work at the level of setting and narrative. And is that although the objective of the title is still Alyx-style puzzles, Return to Rapture proposes shooting sequences and other ingenious challenges that could well pass for an official VR version of Bioshock.

So much so, that from the first moment it seems that we are back in Rapture, yes, from an unprecedented point of view; Unfortunately, and being based on Alyx, there is no trace of plasmids, although the rest of the elements reveal a beastly work at the level of modeling, lighting, setting and recreation of the different Rapture scenarios, totally recognizable for those who played in their game. moment to so celebrated 2K FPS.

And it is that they have included from the musical themes of the original Bioshock to the audio diaries, as well as recreations of the mythical vending machines and the vita-cameras to save the game, among other icons. All of this, as we say, is now available for free through the Steam Workshop.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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