
Xbox: Phil Spencer explains how they plan to improve in Spain

Xbox Series X | S will be region free: there will be no regional block

Xbox CEO Reflects on Arrival of Xbox Series X | S Worldwide; also why two so different consoles.

Microsoft has everything ready to start its new generation of consoles. Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S are the names chosen for two very different machines, aimed at different audiences but with the same outstanding debt in Spain: gaining market share. Phil Spencer, head of Xbox, is aware of this circumstance, which extends to many other European territories and Japan. He has reflected on this in an interview for La Vanguardia.

Two consoles, two prices, two different types of player

“We know that for many people, especially now with the global situation, but also in the long term, the price is important,” he begins by telling the aforementioned media. When Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S hit stores around the world, Spain included, this November 10, they will do so for 499 euros and 299 euros, respectively (all the differences here).

Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X
Xbox Series S (front) and Xbox Series X (back) | Microsoft

“It is something that we have seen in previous generations, in which as the price of the consoles went down we found more and more players. As a team we decided that we did not have to wait three or four years within a generation to have an affordable price for the general public ”, he asserts; For this reason, from day one there will be two options for two specters: the one who seeks the top of the range and wants to play to the maximum, and the one who prefers to renounce certain technology but also make the leap to the new generation.

“We believe that having two starting prices can work well for us in Spain”

Spain is one of the territories where the Xbox brand has had a worse implantation during the Xbox One era. Spencer wants to reverse the situation with Xbox Series X | S: “One of the disappointments I had with the jump from Xbox 360 to Xbox One it was that we lost our foothold in the European market to the competition, and Spain has been one of those markets ”, he argues sincerely. “When we think of differentiating Series S and Series X, we think of markets where price could be an important consideration for families and the value of Game Pass,” which is one of the top aces up the Xbox ecosystem’s sleeve. .

Self-criticism has not been absent from this meeting. “We have made good and bad decisions,” he assumes, adding that he does not always have to be right. “The most important thing we have learned in this generation is to listen to consumers, fans, the press, and our partners; and not to be afraid to change our plans while we learn, “he ends up saying as a reflection on the seven years of Xbox One.

The arrival of the Xbox Series X | S stores presents a new era for the brand, this time with a greater range of options, a reinforced infrastructure and a total of 23 exclusive studios working for them. Traffic lights turn green.

Full interview | The vanguard

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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