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Xbox Series X will come out in Christmas 2020: Microsoft clarifies an official error

Xbox Series X will come out in Christmas 2020: Microsoft clarifies an official error

The Microsoft console does not change its plans and will launch, if there are no problems with the COVID-19, on the dates close to the American vacation.

A message posted by Microsoft India about the Xbox Series X a few minutes after the technical specifications for the PS5 architecture were unveiled set off all the alarms: the console already had a release date, Thanksgiving Day. The message began to spread at full speed, because that day was none other than November 26. According to Larry Hryb, a member of the Xbox marketing team, it was a mistake.

An error with the official image included: Xbox Series X "Coming Thanksgiving 2020"

The most striking thing about the message, which has been removed from the official Xbox India source, is that it included an image where you could read "Coming Thanksgiving 2020". In this case, two possible scenarios are opened: the first, that the Xbox India communication team actually received the wrong information and issued that message based on that error; the second, that Xbox Series X does intend to launch on November 26, but that Microsoft does not have plans to unveil it for whatever reason.

In any case, the information is clear: Xbox Series X is still planned for Christmas 2020, a very wide launch window that covers from the end of November to practically the entire month of December.

Xbox Series X
Actual image of Xbox India wrong date

"An Xbox product page inaccurately listed the launch date of Xbox Series X for Thanksgiving 2020 in some regions. We remain committed to launching it on Christmas 2020," Hryb said very quickly after seeing the post's stir. .

We already know a lot about Xbox Series X. This very Monday, its final technical characteristics were revealed, which you can consult in this in-depth article; also everything that awaits us with your command. The expanded coverage that we are doing in FreeGameTips already has a comparison between PS5 and Xbox Series X, how the RAM memory of Xbox Series X will be distributed for video games, as well as a comparison of load times between the new generation console of the Redmond and Xbox One X.

About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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