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Xbox Series X: DirectX Raytracing will benefit stealth games

Xbox Series X: DirectX Raytracing will benefit stealth games

The technology that will incorporate the next Microsoft console will allow developers to be more ambitious in their proposals.

Xbox Series X uncovered its final technical specifications weeks ago and it was clear, regardless of its speed, that it will be an extremely powerful console and prepared to endure in the market for years. The video game industry is positive about the hardware Microsoft is preparing for its new home machine, which according to a member of Rebellion Developments will be essential for stealth games thanks to DriectX Raytracing.

Kevin Floyer, a member of the study in charge of the Sniper Elite series, believes that a higher rate of images per second or ray tracing in 4K resolutions will be only one of the most obvious advantages, never better said, but the sound will also improve the experience of game.

"Ray tracing accelerated by the hardware itself is a welcome feature," he begins by saying. “Not only will it allow us to achieve more realistic and dynamic environments, but hardware ray tracing can do more than just render. For example, we can do amazing things with acoustics to enhance realism. Modeling a more realistic occlusive sound to hear AI in real time, for example, is incredibly useful for creating stealth games. ”

DirectX Raytracing
Ray Tracing in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

What is DXR or DirectX Raytracing?

As Microsoft explained when it introduced the final features of the Xbox Series X, "Xbox Series X uses a custom-designed GPU that leverages the latest innovation from our AMD partners and was created in collaboration with the same team that developed DirectX Raytracing." This results in improved lighting, shadows, and reflections; but also acoustics, which will be more realistic with spatial audio. Taken together, DirectX Raytracing will equip development studios to "create more physically accurate worlds."

Xbox Series X will launch on the Christmas market in 2020, if the COVID-19 does not prevent it; And no exclusive video game will be delayed, nor will Halo: Infinite, according to Phil Spencer. In the following articles we tell you everything that awaits us with your controller, a comparison between PS5 and Xbox Series X and a comparison of load times between Series X and Xbox One X, which demonstrates the immediacy in speed that the console will offer.

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About author

Chris Watson is a gaming expert and writer. He has loved video games since childhood and has been writing about them for over 15 years. Chris has worked for major gaming magazines where he reviewed new games and wrote strategy guides. He started his own gaming website to share insider tips and in-depth commentary about his favorite games. When he's not gaming or writing, Chris enjoys travel and hiking. His passion is helping other gamers master new games.

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